Wednesday, September 1, 2010

marine corps are crazy....

well there is 1,500 U.S. marines in town... its wayy to busy and strange they all have the same hair, build and wear striped polos... anyways lastnight there where a whole bunch partyin it up at the hostel these guys are drunk as a skunk by noon it seems anyways then they are pulled back onto their ship at midnight its kinda like cinderella... anyways they were banned from our hostel by the leader... however a few of them came today, two of them asked me where they can get a massage...i dident realize what kind they were talking about and refered them to the yoga studio hahahha yah lots of woman made lots of money this week... anyways i was talking to a few guys and a woman who was the boss two of the guy were very very drunk one started to hump the boss they are all so sex crazed its insane..i guess being on a boat for that long will do it. the boss told me its 1/10 woman to men!! these ones are doing aid work so its pretty good however lots of people in town dont like it, somthing about a free trade agreement or somthing. anyways it was to early to handel all the drunkness so me and this really cool girl from london went to check out luana's mural shes doing at a hotel its amazing

also i personalized my machete sheath i used britts dremel it was kinda hard but i got the hang of it after a while

oh yes and i got my posters printed yesterday... it only took 3 hours and 4 people to figure out the printer however i like the results...

and now its time to sleep in a hammock its been a long day

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