Sunday, August 22, 2010

monkie business is hard business...but fun

today i started my work with the Jaguar center first i cleaned up the sloth cages and took them out for crawling around the trees... then it was time to baby bottle feed the monkies wow they sure wanted it fighting eachother for the bottles.. after feeding them i got to chill with them for a few hours so they would get to know me. thats when 6 of them piled on my head, legs, arms and lap...monkies everywhere i couldent move if i tried. the monkies are very sweet many of them are young and have lost their parents so they love to cuddle up too sweet.

i still feel like i have monkies hanging off of me. i asked one of the owners who loves snakes and he has a bunch of killer snakes and he breeds them because they are nessisary for the eco system. lots of people around here kill all snakes thinking that hey are this one kind of killer snake but most of them are not its pretty sad. i asked him if he has ever been bit by a killer snake and he said yes once when i first started researching them a rattel snake bit my finger and he showed me the stubby finger pretty bad ass, and then he got bit in the same hand by a viper... i told him i would have stopped at the rattel snake.. let alone the viper and he still breeds these snakes pretty crazy... he dosent breed vipers tho. yah the center is great I had never realized how much that monkies really are just like humans... untill i spent a day with monkies all over my back and everywhere else. they even have finger prints just like humans. and damn they are smart...and fast.

one of them does bite tho its just so happens that she is the biggest of them all and she likes to pick on the smallest monkie so its hard to break it up.. heres a video for you of some monkies play fighting ... i will post this later the power keeps going on and off...

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