Been there done that
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
normal life
well normal life is getting to me... i just want to go somewhere new or do something new... i cant decide on my education yet their is so many choices and it cost so much so i dont want to make a mistake picking where to go to school... man being in this middle ground i feel so confused about everything....
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A Canadian thanksgiving in Costa Rica and 10/10/10
Well today was awsome I started the day with a whole bunch of people from the hostel We went out for some amazing coffee then we packed up the truck people litterly piled on the truck and off we went to the beach! I broke i'n my new hammock while the guts broke i'n there new coconut bochie set ($3 for the set and you can drink them after the game) it ws great the waves were a lot of fun! Then I went to start making some more jewelry to sell tomorrow when a family pic niking next to me started checking out my stuff they bought 18$ worth of my things! I was stoked I didn't even Ihave to try make sales they randomly came to me! They are from San jose and tomorrow I'm meeting up with them to give them two brackets for their grand children!
Then we celebrated Canadian thanks giving at j and births with veggies sangria plantain chips clam chowder and chilli oh and the trailer park boys ( my request) then we finished off the night with a fried banana!!! and the day before that i went to a ciropractor for the first time ever! he told me i have scolios im not that surprized he told me it was due to the accident two years ago and he made me check out myself in the mirrior and my right sholder hip and leg is higher than the left... i really dident notice until then... now i know why i usually walk a little funny... i got re ajusted and i feel amazing! im going back to see him tomorrow for another session i wish i went a long time ago! other than that iv been chillin in my hammock making jewlery!
Then we celebrated Canadian thanks giving at j and births with veggies sangria plantain chips clam chowder and chilli oh and the trailer park boys ( my request) then we finished off the night with a fried banana!!! and the day before that i went to a ciropractor for the first time ever! he told me i have scolios im not that surprized he told me it was due to the accident two years ago and he made me check out myself in the mirrior and my right sholder hip and leg is higher than the left... i really dident notice until then... now i know why i usually walk a little funny... i got re ajusted and i feel amazing! im going back to see him tomorrow for another session i wish i went a long time ago! other than that iv been chillin in my hammock making jewlery!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Well I have spent a lot of time here but really I am going to miss it here! I'm really stoked to be on my way as well I'm on the buss to San Jose. tomorrow I am hopefully meeting up with Christian depending If he gets his stand by flight today. Since the last time I wrote I guess I should update I'n no particular order we did a sushi rolling party it was great britt was Rollin like a mad woman 20 sushi rolls or so! Another night we were just chillin and all of a sudden we hear a high pItch scream I had no idea what it was brItt and j told me it was a baby sloth crying for It's mom! So we went with Melly a cool German girl to search for them and have them reunted we looked for a long time around for the both of them with our flash lights high and low but the baby stopped crying and the mom stopped whistling so after an hour and a bit of hearing nothing we decided that nature ran it's course and they found eachother on their own... While on the hunt we ran into a possum climbing a palm tree it was crazy! I went out to cahuita national park twice once with milly and we had guides that showed us so many animals that we wouldent have seen on our own there were so many sloths monkIes (howler and whIte faced) we saw a viper I think it was an eyelash vIper. some really stupid woman kept sticking her camera i'n the snakes face and all of us were freaking out because they are once of Costa ricas deadlest snake if it bites you... You have one hour to get to hospital until you die and it's a horrible death one organ at a time... But she kept going taking photos of it sticking her cane in to move the leaves she was nuts! Then we saw some tree frogs and an iguana the size of half of me and that was just his body his tail was probably bigger than his body! It was half dinosaur theres no doubt i'n my mind. And there were raccoons that are about half the size of the ones back home they are very skinny then another day i went down to the park with harry he's a chill kid from austrialla we found the biggest coconut ever! Then he cut it open with his pocket knife it was really hard I really was wishing I had my machete. Then we finally got it open and it was hands down the best coconut ever we both agreed and we have both had many coconuts the flesh was perfect! Then we saw an old oil rig from 1901 it was pretty ghetto and random that it was i'n a national park. Another day britt j and I went into lemon it was crazy me and britt went off on our own to go check out the city and we were like celeberitys... The only white chicks i'n town we had a guy that was holding another girls hand say hey babes we were so grossed out any guy 10-70 was hitting on us it got really old really fast. However there's this cave i'n the middle of town and it's a market but when your i'n there it's like your i'n an underground world. Really cool kinda creepy. Other than that it was a pretty dirty city not somewhere to be at night. I went out snorkeling a few more times. And checked out a wonderful waterfall with Tom who is a guy from virgina he drove his car down! It was so beautiful we both agreed it was the real costa rica! It was about two stories high and the power of the water when your standing under it is amazing... the best massage ever! We also checked out punta Uva again yesterday with Harry and Tom it was a wonderful day! Now I am i'n San Jose I'm at a cool hostel with great people but the city itself is not nice it's very busy and dirty. However today I went to butterfly land and it was great so many different kinds! I will post photos when I get to a computer I can load them on.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
O.K. Computer
Well my PC has a virus... It's on for about 4 mins then the computer shuts down... That's why I haven't really been up dating this in the past while... However I will have the updates tomorrow!
Monday, September 13, 2010
its been a while... as in too long
since i last posted now im trying to jog my the last few days there has been a sushi rolling was great i had cucumber and carrot rolls... i went to a house warming party for my friends new place he just got... it a very nice house i made salsa and guachamole britt made some wicked hummas
it was a fun night... iv started to make a cup out of a coconut that i was drinking out of a couple days ago.. iv sanded it down and used a dremmel to carve out the top so it can pour... i will post pictures when its all done... also yesterday we went to carribeans and i was going to pick up some of the most amazing coffee in the world untill i found out that they are out of coffee for about a month(harvest time) and that they had to pull all the stock for sale so they could make coffee at their shop! then i found one in the gift basket and the woman sold it to me... to me this coffee is worth more than gold! i am very happy... then we went for a bike ride down to the end of the road of the beach there where some random things there such as a goal net with a random fan attached to the side that spun with the wind of the ocean
and a really cool marsh

also i saw a beatle that was the size of the palm of my hand... i named him ringo and i fell running to go pee i will have some photos of the gnarley scratch later its only gnarley because cuts dont dry the same here.. its really hummed
Thursday, September 9, 2010
eatin alive
i just counted 172 bug bites... why do they love me so much? i really dont know... my legs are just covered in them theres at least 120 on my legs alone... i really need to make insect repellent... the raw garlic chewing isent working well enought...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Punta Uva almost dident leave...
well yesterday was beautiful so i took a group of people staying at the hostel for a bike ride to the beach! it was great fun we just chilled for a bit two of the guys and me went on a mission to get some coconuts...
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